Gaia Rafting Center Centro educazione ambientale Rifugio Cupi
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A trip in the National Park and in the Marche

The lodge Rifugio Cupi is located at 1,000 meters above the sea level, but easily accessible by car, by bike or on foot, between Visso and Fiastra lake (Marche); it is the first of 9 stage on the Park for the walking trek tour: Grande Anello dei Sibillini (GAS).

The direct contact with nature, gives this place and the visitors a magic and comfortable feeling in a peaceful setting. The cuisine is a typical & local italian style.

During the holidays at the lodge, you can visit the most beautiful places in the National Park including Fiastra Lake, the plateau of Castelluccio, Pilato Lake, Monte Vettore and Monte Sibillia; you can enjoy various activities such as rafting, adventure parks with ropes courses, walking or cycling, orienteering and archery, boat tours on the lake or visit the Fauna Center of the Park. Visit numerous locations in the surrounding area including the beautiful villages of Norcia, Visso, Camerino, Sarnano and Amandola. Nearby are, also, cities of art & culture including Norcia, Cascia, Loreto, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno, and the most famous Assisi.

During the period of May-June you can also enjoy the spectacular spring flowers of the plateau of Castelluccio and Ragnolo. These are among the very famous and beautiful landscapes you can find in the Park.

Another destination is the coast of the Adriatic Sea, which is only an hour drive from lodge Rifugio Cupi. We also recommend a visit to the Park of Monte Conero, a beautiful promontory on the sea (1 hour and a half from Rifugio Cupi).

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un rifugio del Parco

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Amaro Sibilla, our gift for GAS hikers

Who walk on Big Ring and eat or sleep on our Rifugio will receive a small bottle of Amaro Sibilla.

Amaro Sibilla Fiaschetta

We say thanks to Varnelli Company for this initiative

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